Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I survived In-School-Suspension...

I had the worst trouble sleeping last night. It was the craziest thing. Lately, I've been falling asleep to movies, so I turned on Stephen King's Rose Red. It's a long movie I just happened to pick up at Half-Price Books the other day for cheap. I watched half the movie and was starting to get tired, but I had to go to work in 2 hours, so rather than attempt to sleep, I hit the elliptical and got my energy going to last through the work day. My first day back from the summer and they put me with the bad kids.

Actually, there were only two of them, and they didn't misbehave at all. I probably talked to them more than they talked to me, just so I could stay awake. They were incoming juniors who happened to get caught for smoking, and were sentenced to a week in there. The girl in the class room actually thought I was a student when I tried to open the door in the morning. Then later on during my lunch break, the teacher who relieved me told me I could go in the staff lounge because they were talking about their various experiences with road kill, like that's something I want to hear about, around lunchtime... I ended up walking in the hallway for a few minutes and started to converse with a student I knew from last year. We talked on the way to the cafeteria, and then I tried to leave, and this teacher doing hall duty asked me where I was going... mistaken again!!

Wasn't a bad day at all. I enjoyed my Trader Joe's Pink Lady Apples for lunch, and came home for a nice afternoon nap. I'm stoked for tomorrow!! I have a bunch of comedy show opportunities coming up, and God is bringing them out of nowhere... I'm excited about what He's going to do! Thank you for tuning in and for your support!

In Him,

Rich Jones

Psalm 71:19 - "Your righteousness reaches to the skies, O God, you who have done great things. Who, O God, is like you?"

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised nobody beat you up & took your lunch money on the way to the cafeteria!!

    That's awesome that you're getting gigs coming out of nowhere. Same thing's been happening to me, too. Hopefully the comedy market is going to pick up for all of us.
