You heard it here, and the subject states. After a long period of time spend loathing in self-pity, and coming full-circle, it's time to move forward. The holidays are the perfect excuse to justify eating in abundance. I didn't say it was good excuse, but it's certainly one that become to common and cliche' for our society.
Today, like any day from here on out becomes a reason to be better. As my Mom is so fond of pointing out, a situation can either make you bitter or better. So which is the one you should seek? No brainer, there for sure. Food and living lethargic has become too much of a norm in our society. I don't want to be another statistic. More importantly, I want to personally thank everyone for their support, despite my weakness in not continuing to blog on a more consistent basis, and failure to rely more on God and less on indulging.
With a number of side-projects, and the continuing journey as a comedian, would like to announce some big things coming up. In a week, I will be flying out to Los Angeles for some comedy related work, and the Christian Comedy Association's annual conference. Still awaiting the release of my DVD project with Thor Ramsey from last October, which will be top notch. Will announce here when it become available for purchase on my website. Stay tuned.
Thank you again, and God bless!
Rich Jones
Psalm 90:12 - “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
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