I'm still here. What was once today, has now become yesterday, and there is no tomorrow. I've always been intrigued by that idea of there never being tomorrow. There's only today. We're only guaranteed that much. We spend so much of our life worrying about what other people think. I once heard an awesome quote from Bill Cosby. He said "I don't know what the secret to success is, but the secret of failure is trying to please everyone." No, I didn't hear that in a Jello Pudding commercial, either...
Not sure if I've ever offended anyone on stage, but I'm sure I have in real life. Sometimes I speak before I think things through (on occasion...) I remember offending someone at college because I said that all the guys in praise & worship bands were the ones who couldn't make it in real bands. I was actually repeating what one of my friends had told me, which at the time I thought was amusing, but looking back it was pretty harsh. Who am I to criticize someone using their specific talent for the glory of God??? It could just as easily been said about me with my comedy. Sometimes, especially when I first started I think I got a lot of sympathy laughs. Not in clubs, but mostly in churches does this seem to be the case. If you've been doing comedy a few years, you can usually tell if someone really is laughing or they're pretending to do so. I would rather people not laugh then to hear the shriek of fake laughs penetrate the room.
So I guess the moral of today's entry is basically everyone has a special talent they're good at. No matter how long it takes, try to find it! As I stated before on Facebook, those who criticize the dreams of others are too scared to live out their own. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something (unless it's a crime of course...) As the immortal Dusty Rhodes once said "Get a dream and hold on to it!!"
One of my dreams is to achieve this goal of mine, which in the last three days I've been able to stay away from foods with tons of sugar, and fat. I haven't gone over 1000 calories for each of the last three days. Food isn't the object of my attention. I've lost 5 lbs in the last three days. I want to thank everyone for your constant support... & find out what you're good at & go for it!!!
Forever In Christ,
Rich Jones
1 Peter 1:24-25 - “For, All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever." And this is the word that was preached to you.”
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