What a day!! I met two awesome well-known people today. First, one is obvious, because of the picture above. I met Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake who was very friendly! He didn't hesitate when I asked to get a picture of him giving me the sleeper hold. I got to hear him say by the grace of God was his face repaired after his near fatal para-sailing accident in 1990. He said there's at least a million dollars worth of surgery and titanium from all he had to go through. It was amazing to hear him tell how they actually had to expose his skull and sew his eyes shut for months before he was able to see again. I can't imagine how it must've felt. He also let me film footage of him saying who he was and that you're watching the Rich Jones Show. Stay tuned for that episode...
I just returned from a comedy show with Taylor Mason. He and I have spoken online, but had never met face-to-face until tonight. He was awesome! His show was great and he had no problems dissing Xenia, OH and the University of Michigan... Great stuff!!! A special thanks goes out to Bob Matthews for hooking me up with one of his extra tickets.
This afternoon was an experience. There's a lot of things going on in my life I as God always has a way of shaking things up when you least expect it. I did good today with eating. I did enjoy a sweet onion chicken teriyaki sub from Subway. I always find it funny how Quizno's biggest slam against Subway is how they don't give you enough meat & ingredients. I had Quizno's one time, and there was way too much bread. It actually grossed me out how much they give you, and how fattening their food can be. Even the smell in there isn't to my liking. Subway, baby!!
Tomorrow is another challenge. God is in control! Thank you all!
Rich Jones
Hebrews 12:28 - "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,"
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