So the prodigal son returns... It's been a struggle to make sense of things these last few weeks. I haven't weighed myself since I went down to 241 pounds about a month ago. I'm reminded of a story I once heard from someone. It was probably a forwarded email that you have to send out to 5,000 people or you don't love Jesus. But I took it to heart despite my lack of email consistency. In the basic version off the top of my head, a child asked his father can a person go a lifetime without sinning? Obviously, the answer is no, (except in Jesus' case of course), so the father explained to his child the answer was no. The child asked his father can a person go week without sinning? As much as the father wanted to tell his child "yes", the answer was still "no". The child asked "What about a day?" Even still the father informed his child that we've all fallen short, and no one could go a day without sinning. Finally, the child asked his father "Can a person go a moment without sinning?" The father thought long and hard before finally answering his child "Yes, a person could go a moment without sinning." The child responded, "Then I want to live my life moment by moment."
The point of the last story is to admit, I've probably messed up a bit on this adventure to reach my ideal weight. But it's amazing, because even though we've messed up, and you know it happens every day, God is still gracious enough to forgive his children. Not only willing to, but He turns around and gives us more blessings than we deserve.
I started to write down my memories last night of when I first felt the "calling" to stand-up comedy. It was only going to be one blog entry, but as I continued to write, the passion that God has given me for wanting to make people laugh took me through some painful memories of job searching, as well as even being kicked off the stage in one of those Christian Haunted Houses where they show you what Hell is supposed to look like. Hey, at least I know I don't fit in, in Hell!!! That's a great thing!
Yesterday, I did live my life moment to moment. I sure I messed up a few times, but I was faithful to what God is doing in my life, and stuck to eating healthy, as well as sparingly.
I started this journey to make people laugh in January 2006. I found out last week, I will be doing a DVD project with one of the true Christian Comedy Greats on October 1st. I will announce more about that as it approaches near, but it's an AWESOME feeling, because it was actually one of my goals to work with him when I first starting doing comedy. Thank you guys and have a great 4th of July weekend!
Matthew 25:21
"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'
In your effort to lose physical, it looks like you're gaining spiritually. So proud of you, bro!!!